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Film Kill Bill - Volume I
La marie tait en jaune Six ans aprs le groovie Jackie Brown, Quentin Tarantino revient en pleine forme. Tel un DJ dchan, le ralisateur de Pulp Fiction nous livre la pulpe de son imaginaire. Sorte de mga-compil dans laquelle il sample, mixte, malaxe les milliers de films quil a ingurgits, du polar de srieB aux western spaghettis, en passant par les wu-xia-pan (films de sabre japonais) et le kung-fu, Kill Bill sapparente la fois au pur film du dimanche soir et un vritable hommage tout un pan du cinma de genre souvent mpris. Mais cest aussi le portrait dune femme qui entre direct dans les annales du 7eart: Black Mamba, la guerrire vengeresse, que Uma Thurman porte avec une fougue cartoonesque, mais aussi beaucoup dmotion et dhumanit. Alors certes, certains pourront trouver ce premier volume parfois creux, vain, gratuit. Oui, mais impossible de bouder son plaisir devant la maestria du rcit, le brio de la mise en scne, la foultitude de rfrences, ou lexcentricit des dcors et des costumes. Sans oublier une B.O. aux petits oignons, reflets de linspiration protiforme de Tarantino. Au total, un spectacle qui laisse K.-O., bat et estomaqu, voire essouffl! --Sylvain Lefort
Obtention message Kill Bill - Volume I :Kill Bill: Volume 1 - Wikiquote Kill Bill - Volume I Kill Bill: Volume 1 is a 2003 film about a former member of an elite team of assassins who seeks revenge on her former boss and partners after a massacre at her ... Kill Bill, Volume 1 Movie Review (2003) Roger Ebert Kill Bill - Volume I "Kill Bill, Volume 1" shows Quentin Tarantino so effortlessly and brilliantly in command of his technique that he reminds me of a virtuoso violinist racing through ... Kill Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kill Bill - Volume I Kill Bill is an American action / thriller film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. Kill Bill was originally scheduled for a single theatrical release, but ... : Kill Bill: Volume 2: Uma Thurman, David Carradine ... Kill Bill - Volume I "The Bride" (Uma Thurman) gets her satisfaction--and so do we--in Quentin Tarantino's "roaring rampage of revenge," Kill Bill, Vol. 2 . Where Vol. 1 was a hyper ... Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) - IMDb Kill Bill - Volume I The lead character, called 'The Bride,' was a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, lead by her lover 'Bill.' Upon realizing she was pregnant with Bill's ... KILL BILL - THE 4TH FILM BY QUENTIN TARANTINO - iTunes Movie Trailers Kill Bill - Volume I In Quentin Tarantino's latest film about a former assassin betrayed by her boss Bill (David Carradine). Four years after surviving a bullet in the head, the bride ... Kill Bill, Volume 2 - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies Movie Trailers ... Kill Bill - Volume I Talkier and less action-packed than Vol. 1, Kill Bill Vol. 2, nevertheless delivers the goods for those expecting a satisfying conclusion to this two-parter. Kill Bill: Volume 1 - Rotten Tomatoes Kill Bill - Volume I Kill Bill is nothing more than a highly stylized revenge flick. But what style! Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) - IMDb Kill Bill - Volume I The murderous Bride is back and she is still continuing her vengeance quest against her ex-boss, Bill, and taking aim at Bill's younger brother Budd and Elle Driver ... : Kill Bill: Volume 1: Uma Thurman, David Carradine ... Kill Bill - Volume I Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, Vol. 1 is trash for connoisseurs. From his opening gambit (including a "Shaw-Scope" logo and gaudy '70s-vintage "Our Feature ...